Friday, December 10, 2010

What If....(the Apocalypse)


What if you knew it was coming

would you hang your head and cry

Would you face this storm with courage

and just smile and wave goodbye

What if you had a day , a week,

would you finally open your heart

Would you swallow your pride and anger

before this world is torn apart

What if your last memory,

was one of heartfelt pain

Would you hold your children tightly

and let your compassion flow like rain

What if you knew you would make it

but in the process you'd be alone

Would you plunge your own heart deeply

with a blade just freshly honed

What if it meant that all the hate

would burn away like dust

Would you relish this infernal cleansing

seeking shelter with the just

What if you had to decide ones fate

could you really make that choice

Could you leave behind a loved one

without heartache in your voice

What if this happens in an hour

and as you feel the instant heat

Will your last thought be satisfying

from a life you lived complete

Copyright 2008 Todd C all rights reserved!


  1. Hi There,

    I found this very powerful...
    There are so many questions you leave for thought, and I am sure there are individuals who are sitting here, thinking of the answers.
    But... I don't have to think... as I was reading I was saying yes, no, etc...

    If the world should/would end...
    There would be no question in my mind, what I'd do! And, for the time you've known me, I am sure you can guess my answers... to this thought provoking piece you've written...

    I can tell you all that you want to hear... and all that may curl your ears...
    You need to drop this over at FCN (, and let them read this.. I have had conversations with several people today concerning your work... This just proves the power behind your quill.
    So, Todd.......... Don't hold bk from me anymore- just let the ink glide.


  2. Robert , I really appreciate the enthusiasm of your response!
    Thank you very Much

    the respect I have for you as a writer makes me feel proud from this comment you left me ..Thank you Karen!! Yes, I do know what your answers would be. I will bring this back to the FlexWriters. I say back because I originally posted it there in one of Mikki's challenges a couple of years ago..
    I appreciate you Karen!

  3. I wanted to inform you, and your followers, and those that will follow the followers...

    Thank you for allowing me to feature you in next weeks Sundays POl... I used this piece to accent my theme-

    I hope you have fun getting those FEET WET again... byo self.... and all who wish to attend...

    There is gonna be one other featured guest.. She is currently working on a piece for the POL theme, to compensate yours and mine..

